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Our History

A very brief guide to the 50+ year journey on which our church has been - from the prayer of a handful of faithful believers to the present day.


In about 1971 a group of some eight to ten Christians from assorted backgrounds prayed regularly for the Lord to move in the Chichester and Bognor Regis area. This developed into a house group of some 15 believers. All sought a closer walk with the Lord and a deeper understanding of scripture.

Roger Price, originally an atheist, became a committed Christian at university and after that became Head of Geography at a school in Chichester, whilst living in Bognor Regis. He had a remarkable grasp of the Bible and what the Holy Spirit could do with a committed church.


To start with a small group met in a home in Chichester. They were then joined by a group that had been meeting in Bognor and shortly after that the Chichester Christian Fellowship (CCF) was formed.


There were free Spirit-led times of praise and worship, and regular Bible studies. Roger went on to give a series of systematic talks which were recorded and sent out internationally for many years after his death.  Recently a new website set up by his family is now putting up his talks for free. 


Numbers at church meetings outgrew hall capacity and so in 1982 CCF subdivided to meet in Chichester and Bognor Regis. Over time the meeting in Bognor Regis became the larger group.


In 2007 those who were meeting in Chichester decided to form the Riverside Chichester Fellowship.  At this point, CCF changed its name to The King's Gate Church.  We continue to meet in Bognor Regis, currently at the Regis School.


In 2017 The King’s Gate Church affiliated with Elim Church Incorporated, now known as the Elim Network.


During Covid in 2021 the Fellowship celebrated its Jubilee with a weekend of Zoom meetings and a special Sunday morning service. In 2023, after some years of connecting together for some services, Bognor Elim have now joined permanently with us, which we are delighted about.

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Roger Price

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