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At the King's Gate Church we know that generosity is part of our worship, and also a discipline that sets us out as sons and daughters of God. We do not insist that members give - rather it is the freewill offering of our hearts that delights the Father and brings glory to Jesus.


There can be significant tax benefits as we are a charity, so please do fill out the Gift Aid option if you choose to give online and it is relevant.  


If you wish the money to go to a particular fund, such as the Building Fund, the Poor Fund or Alpha, then please indicate.  We aim to give at least 10% of income each year to mission, both local and global.  


Legacies: just a reminder that it is a way to glorify God to leave a legacy to the church, which can be specified for a particular purpose or left open. The gift could support young people, refurbish a kitchen, buy Bibles for local schools, or a particular special project.  The trustees of the church take any legacy gifts seriously and would ensure that they are used for special projects.


Here are the King's Gate bank account details.  You can increase your gift through Gift Aid by completing a form - please email to receive one or ask Denise.


Lloyds Bank plc

Sort code: 30-90-99

Account no.: 01281166

The King's Gate Church

Tel: 07445551158 (includes voicemail)

Address for our church services:

The Regis School

Westloats Lane

Bognor Regis, West Sussex

PO21 5LH

Part of the Elim Network - Elim are a member of the Evangelical Alliance.

Charity Number: 1108556
Company Number: 5135809

© 2024 The King's Gate Church

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